How To Repair Long Horizontal Drywall Crack
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Get your Free Homeowners Guide to Foundation Repair from Why Do I Get Drywall Cracks. Your cracked drywall could be telling Or if that drywall crack is a sign.
How do you fix a long horizontal crack in the wall.
In my parent s house there is a long horizontal crack in one of the walls on the bottom floor. It goes from end to end. I think this is because of the weight on the top floor.
I m worried that it might be a structural flaw of some sort, meaning that you can t just fix it with a coat of paint. Any advice.
Location: Under an American chemtrail
If it s just the drywall, spackle and paint.
You should call an expert if you think it s more serious, and have it evaluated.
no offense, but does he have some sort of mental dissability. -nick1985
Brainwashed, mentally unstable, and stupid Intel user, screwed by Intel and located directly under a chemtrail.
I had a crack in my ceiling that zig-zagged across the entire room. We had to rip it down the bare beams and re-build it. Something you prob don t want to do.
Get some spackle, putty and sandpaper, try to fix it that way, if it comes back again, you ll need expert advice.
ty. Yes there is another crack in the ceiling someplace.
How long ago did the crack appear and did it increase in size over time or all at once.
Any idea if its a load bearing wall.
And you don t just Spackle over a crack and paint it as it ll just reappear. You have to V it out first and use some mesh tape.
You need to find the root cause. It could be serious and cause structural damage.
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Originally Posted by paperfist
If the crack is going to reappear, the mesh tape will not prevent it.
How wide is the crack. If it is not over 1/2 you can use latex caulk to fill the gap and paint over it. latex caulk can flex more than joint compound and will not crack as easily.
Concrete block. Poured concrete. Drywall.
Is it 1 solid crack running the whole length.
Aye, Edro has the right idea here.
What is the wall material. Is it the outside wall. aka is it the structural support for the house.
What is the house sitting on. Is it on a slab, or is there earth underneath where you have pylons coming up from the foundation. What I m getting at here is that perhaps the foundation is settling on that side. You could jack up the house and insert a couple shims between the footings and the structural beams.
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Burn the house down and build a new one.
Location: North of the District
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brianmanahan: zinfamous is such a fool
I would fix it with a horizontal crack repair kit.
Also, from now on, I shall refer to you as Peaches.
The universe is cracked. The Pandorica will open. Silence will fall.
Be sure to put the thin metal mesh made for this over it, staple it in on both sides, put tape over it, spread plaster or spackle over it, and paint it. If the wall has just paint on it, you re good. Otherwise, you might need to create the rough surface to blend in with the rest of the walls, which is another doable technique. It s not to say it won t crack again somewhere, but this will hold it longer.
Without the mesh, it will probably crack again within a year or two, since the foundation is most likely settling in a way that causes this crack here.
Last edited by jjsole; 02-13-2012 at PM.
This might just be a poorly mudded seam. Most people install drywall horizontally leaving a seam about half way up the wall. No matter what the cause I think I would attempt a repair without too much investigation unless this crack appeared suddenly or you saw where the drywall was trying to overlap at the crack.
Repair tape mesh tape is a little stronger, but I really don t like having to build up compound that thick. I d v-out the crack with a bottle opener, mud, and tape.
If you really think you need flexibility the correct repair would be Krack Kote. Although, I don t really like working with the stuff. You have to paint it to sand it.
Originally posted by: electron
Forget P N, we need a new forum for this. I recommend naming it Cuckoo s Nest
Get Mike Holmes involved. Somehow, you ll also end up with a new porch and new garden.
I would just tape it, plaster, sand and prime. Leave it like that for as long as you can stand it, to see if it comes back. Then go from there.
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How to Fix Cracked Walls Permanently by Thomas A horizontal crack that stretches the length of a wall as well as bulging is How to Repair a Drywall Crack;.
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- HOW TO FIX CRACKS IN DRYWALL PAGE 1 OF 3. Now the crack is all tightened up, no movement at all. STEP 3. Apply Tape: I do this for a.
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How to Repair a Drywall Crack. even coat using long, Whether your walls are made of plaster or drywall, you can repair the cracks in two steps over a day or.