Crack Camera

10-31-13,  PM Thread Author   1

Has anyone heard of their camera sensor getting a crack in it. My z10 doesn t appear to have a visibly cracked glass cover, yet all of my pictures are coming up with a line through them in the same spot.

I m kinda pissed at my Blackberry 10 experience and think I might just switch back to one of the Big 2 offerings I ve only had it for 6 months, and have never had camera issues with any of my Droid products.

What OS are you using. Official. Leaked.

Can you post a picture of a photo taken with your phone.

10-31-13,  PM Thread Author   4 official T-Mobile version.

10-31-13,  PM Thread Author   6

This just started today after a solid couple months after the update. I m not sure if that would fix that, but maybe I m wrong.

Updating may not work but it s best to try everything before sending it in for repair.

10.2 is much better than 10.1 anyway, so would recommend updating anyway.

Give that lens a ruddy good clean with alcohol solvent IPA, not Vodka and report back. Do you have a DSLR or camera with Macro mode available. Might get you to snap a picture of your lens

11-02-13,  PM Thread Author   9

The camera is still messed up. I m waiting for the Google Nexus 5 to launch and I m not looking back, 6 months of waiting and there s no plans on getting major Apps like instagram, mobile banking, soil science apps, and poor GPS capabilities to pull coordinates, that I used to use on android. I know I can sideload them, but I m done with Blackberry s empty promises, I ll let them sink once and for all.

Originally Posted by Steveo989

The camera is still messed up. I m waiting for the Google Nexus 5 to launch and I m not looking back, 6 months of waiting and there s no plans on getting major Apps like instagram, mobile banking, soil science apps, and poor GPS capabilities to pull coordinates, that I used to use on android. I know I can sideload them, but I m done with Blackberry s empty promises, I ll let them sink once and for all. You are forgetting to include that you dropped the phone and broke the thin glass on the lens, but continue with the overreacting.

BlackBerry s restructure is sure to fail if you get a nexus, so don t do that, I guess..

Don t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.

Roflmao. Dude drops and breaks his phone and then blames BlackBerry. That s classic. The build quality on a BlackBerry is much higher than an all plastic nexus 5. Hope it works out for you better when you drop that one.

11-02-13,  PM Thread Author   12

I haven t dropped my phone for months, if it got cracked it was from being in my pocket along with pens or keys while biking. I ll gladly leave, while you pretend blackberry isn t bleeding money, while hopelessly launching the Z30. They are obviously up for sale and there aren t any decent manufacturers looking at purchasing the company. I gave them time, and Windows obviously has taken third place, we all know that the market place cannot support four different operating systems as is experienced by the lack of app development. Enjoy your resting place on the ocean floor as blackberry has already taken on enough water.

Rofl. And the troll finally comes out in full swing. Not gonna bother me pal. Enjoy your nexus. I believe you know where the door is correct.

I haven t dropped my phone for months, if it got cracked it was from being in my pocket along with pens or keys while biking. I ll gladly leave, while you pretend blackberry isn t bleeding money, while hopelessly launching the Z30. They are obviously up for sale and there aren t any decent manufacturers looking at purchasing the company. I gave them time, and Windows obviously has taken third place, we all know that the market place cannot support four different operating systems as is experienced by the lack of app development. Enjoy your resting place on the ocean floor as blackberry has already taken on enough water. Lmao. Someone sure got mad quick, maybe you did drop it

Apparently, my camera lens also has developed what I guess is a crack in it. I seldom drop my phone and certainly don t remember doing so on the day the crack appeared.

Based on my experience, I think the Z10 is too fragile in this aspect.

Posted via CB10 In contrast, I ve dropped my Z10 more than 25 times on concrete I m clumsy, and don t use cases and the phone is still perfect bar some chips on the casing.

When I had a PlayBook oh so long ago, the front facing camera got dusty on the lens. BBRY replaced the tablet at no cost to me.

Originally Posted by sgt_snacks-64

In contrast, I ve dropped my Z10 more than 25 times on concrete I m clumsy, and don t use cases and the phone is still perfect bar some chips on the casing.

I ve dropped a few phoned over the years - sometimes from 6 feet, or more. This is the first phone that I ve ever had that cracked the camera lens. The few times I ve dropped this phone have been from heights of 18 inches to 3 feet. That and I don t remember dropping it when the crack first appeared.

I ve got insurance on the phone, but it is a hassle to switch everything over to a new device.

Here s a picture showing the crack on the left :

While I understand everyone s frustrations there are a couple things here. First phones cost you a lot of money; protect your investment. Secondly.. I don t think a lot of people realize the shock load that s exerted on a phone when dropped on concrete. IMHO, I think BlackBerry phones are some of the most rugged. I have been fortunate to not break mine yet. Being in aircraft maintenance it has definitely seen some abuse. My Z30 will be getting a screen protector though. My Z10 has some pretty nasty gouges in the screen.

Originally Posted by FunktasticLucky

IMHO, I think BlackBerry phones are some of the most rugged. With the 9720 or 9900, I d agree. With the Z, not so much.

I can t say the Z10 is poorly built. It s been in some sort of case it s whole life casemate or the transform shell, and it fell down 6 wooden stairs, and nothing happened. I dropped it down concrete block temporary stairs, and nothing happened. My girlfriend is occasionally ditzy, and her s went spiraling down the stairs a few times, and it s been rock solid. My brother s fell off of a moving car and it was fine although it was at like 5 mph

I have legit 0 complaints about the durability of the device.

Enjoy your resting place on the ocean floor as blackberry has already taken on enough water.

Some people will never be satisfied and will always find something to moan about, attention seeking behavior.

OP if you want an android phone buy one, nobody is going to beg you to stick with Blackberry, it seems you want so much from a phone maybe as a substitute for something, idk

I hope you are very happy together

11-04-13,  AM Thread Author   22

Originally Posted by wafiwanders

I hope you are very happy together I m not attention seeking, I m simply expressing my distaste that this is the first phone that has ever been cracked. I ve never cracked a display, let alone a camera. I m glad they designed a glass cover for the camera to keep out dust, but when my camera, itself, is cracked because the very outermost glass is not cracked, I don t know what to think. I m pretty gentle with my phones and a relatively light user not putting them through much power cycling a charge lasts 2 full days if I ensure WIFI is turned off.

As far as substituting for something, how long does a customer need to hold out until we get decent apps. I don t know about you, but I left a lot of productivity apps, and many other android-only apps and have been very patient, until this point. I ve emailed developers, and have given half a year of my smartphone time to the Blackberry Z10, and have been left with a K thx, but we re going to ditch our company sucker by Blackberry. Obviously, there aren t going to be too many developers eager to develop for a phone that even the Manufacturer doesn t have faith in. At least, I can go back to any android and get my apps back, and I can even download them without having to go through the hassle of going through my PC in order to sideload them. I mean, is all that hassle really worth the difficulty, and all we get in return is a better virtual keyboard I could type fine on my past androids, hub this is the only reason I d keep my Z10, and some swipe commands which others are copying, so no real advantage there.

I m not trying to be a giant , but there comes a time where a company breaks enough promises. I mean I should have known from the get go, when blackberry had to make their own Facebook app.

Trying to cool the thread - can you actually see a crack inside or are the results only evident in the photos. Maybe this is a warranty issue. If the internal sensor is faulty it might be covered, especially if there is no evidence of exterior damage from falls or drops.

I m not attention seeking, I m simply expressing my distaste that this is the first phone that has ever been cracked. I ve never cracked a display, let alone a camera. I m glad they designed a glass cover for the camera to keep out dust, but when my camera, itself, is cracked because the very outermost glass is not cracked, I don t know what to think. I m pretty gentle with my phones and a relatively light user not putting them through much power cycling a charge lasts 2 full days if I ensure WIFI is turned off. So you never broke a phone before, so this can t possibly be your fault.

You knew what this was. You bought the phone knowing the application situation was less than ideal for quite a few people.

m not trying to be a giant , but there comes a time where a company breaks enough promises. I mean I should have known from the get go, when blackberry had to make their own Facebook app.

What exactly are you looking for. I m not sure why you keep coming back and trying to prod people into reactions. You re not trying to be a giant . Well, you are naturally pretty good at it if you are doing it without even trying.

Trying to cool the thread - can you actually see a crack inside or are the results only evident in the photos. Maybe this is a warranty issue. If the internal sensor is faulty it might be covered, especially if there is no evidence of exterior damage from falls or drops. Can t see it on the camera, just in the pics.

3Likes 11-04-13,  PM Thread Author   26

Basically, I ve held the phone up in all kinds of lighting conditions and the crack only appears in the photographs and while getting the image to take a picture of.

11-04-13,  PM Thread Author   27

Originally Posted by RADEoN1337

So you never broke a phone before, so this can t possibly be your fault.

Posted via CB10 Yes, I ve never broken a phone before. I ve had issues with the phones becoming buggy, laggy, whatever else you would like to describe a 1.75yr phone that has a bunch of garbage software from the manufacturer. I ve never caused damage that effectively removed features from the phone, until now. Sure I m sure I had something to do with this, but again, my other phones have proven to be much more durable than this one.

Honestly I still don t see it.

11-06-13,  PM Thread Author   29

Originally Posted by FunktasticLucky

Auto corrected by BB10 Well I ended up getting a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, and I can say it walks all over my Z10 in pretty much every area, minus a Hub-like feature. That one thing is the only thing my Z10 really rocked. If Blackberry s CEO can get them back on track I ll gladly come back. The key is getting their sights off the Business, and Gov t area, because so many folks are using a single device these days which the Employee typically chooses.

Buddy noticed listened me a crack of cards of them - and I looked why couple would repeat such a college. Richmond found me in on Texas sort. The crack nikon camera.

Cracked camera lens of HTC One- The phone s camera lens was cracked without any drop or fall.It can be a quality issue and probable cause is temperature change.

crack camera

Own or interested in a Nikon camera. Browse the forums and connect with other Nikon owners.

crack camera Nexus 6P camera glass may spontaneously crack

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Just months after Canon s camera encryption was cracked, the same team has claimed that it has managed to crack Nikon s authentication system used in high-end SLRs.

crack camera

The Nexus 6P is arguably one of the best Nexus devices made, with the brushed aluminium finish and sleek build combining to create a Nexus flagship worthy of its premium moniker. Yet, it s not all positive; some reports suggest its easy to bend and damage Google s latest flagship and some Reddit users are reporting that the glass panel in front of the camera can also spontaneously crack.

The small piece of glass protecting the camera is made of Gorilla Glass 4 but doesn t seem to be as durable as its smartphone display equivalent. Some pictures posted online suggest that the glass is spontaneously cracking and one Redditor has come up with a theory why the glass may be cracking.

Summarising u/RedHeadedMenace/:

It seems that most screens – including the Nexus 6P display – have a small plastic shock ring to protect the glass but the Nexus 6P s camera glass doesn t have this. As such, any lateral pressure applied by the case can cause the camera glass to crack.

Sounds simple enough right but smartphones are complex pieces of engineering and other users suggest that the phone overheating, sudden changes in temperature or even an internal issue related to the battery swelling could be causing the camera glass to crack.

It also seems that the cracking occurs at different times, with one user reporting that it happened on the first night they got the phone, another saying it happened within 24 hours and the original poster suggesting it happened spontaneously while the phone was just sitting there.

Huawei and Google are yet to official acknowledge the issue but the number of reports is increasing so it ll be interesting to see how the company responds. It s possible that this issue may be affecting just a particular batch of handsets as neither of our units has this problem or it could be that they haven t cracked yet.

What about your Nexus 6P. Has the glass in front of the camera cracked. Let us know in the comments below and if it has cracked, we recommend letting Google/Huawei know, as well as the retailer you bought the handset from.

Cracked Camera. 188 likes. Let me know what you think. Facebook logo. Email or Phone: Password: Keep me logged in. Forgot your password. Sign Up. Cracked Camera.

What the hell is this. This is Crack Cam, a few movies shot from my new work space which looks directly over the crack spot of choice in my lovely.

BlackBerry Forums at crack camera

Hi guys Noticed today that the lens on my camera has a crack through it it doesn t affect the camera but I have a feeling it will soon, - 341231.

crack camera